Friday, June 24, 2011

Project 3: Website

Statement of intent

The website I created in honor of St. Mary's Shoe Tree explores ideas about how it came to be, what it stands for, and its greater significance for the SMCM community. As an iconic part of the campus, the Shoe Tree has many different meanings for many different people. For some it is a piece of interactive art, for others it is a monument and living tradition, and for others still it is an eyesore and a waste of perfectly good shoes. The website itself is, of course, meant to be tongue in cheek, seemingly innocuous at first glance but morally questionable upon further investigation--much like the tree itself! Really, I wanted to emphasize the fact that,  whatever peoples' beliefs about the Shoe Tree, whatever their philosophical, environmental, moral, or official stance on it might be, at its very root (pun intended) the Shoe Tree is fundamentally about sex, and everybody at St. Mary's College knows it.

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